Monday, November 21, 2011

Meet Tacia Victoria Larson

What is your full name?
Tacia Victoria Larson. My mom had a thing for royalty.  I'm sure she would have stuck Catherine in there i my cousin hadn't already had that name.

Do you have any nicknames?
No just Tacia, although sometimes people just call me Tay or TayTay so I guess that's a nickname.

What is your gender?
Seriously, that question is on there, well I am female.

How old are you?
I am 17 years old

What is your birth date?
I'm a Pisces, through and through, I was born March 14th.

What is your relationship status?
Like on Facebook?  I'm still looking for Mr. Right, I thought I had found him but he proved to be Mr. Dead Wrong.  I just still kind of wish that he hadn't been though. It's Complicated, that's my Facebook Status.

How would you describe your hair colour?
It's an auburn colour by choice, but I have been known to be blond and chestnut brown.  I like to change it, my birth colour is mouse brown, very blah and boring!!

How would you describe your eye colour?
They are a stormy grey, sometimes blue sometimes green.  It depends on my mood.  But if you have ever seen a storm rolling in on a large body of water and the grey green colour of the sky before it's right on top of you, that's what my eyes look like most days.

What is your orgin?
Well I came from my mom and dad, who came from their parents etc and so on.  My heritage is Heinz 57 but really what Caucasian person living in North America isn't?  I mostly connect with my Norwegian heritage, but my French side is kind of fun too.  I am a proud Canadian American.  I was born in The states and I go back all the time, but I live in Canada now.

Do you speak any other languages?
Not really, much to my step-dad's charign, I can understand French but it's hard for me to figure out all the verb tenses and stuff to answer back.  I just don't use it enough, maybe I should start using it more.

How tall are you?
Too tall, is that an answer?  I'm like 5'11" I'm taller than almost all the boys, it sucks.  No one wants to date an Amazon, they all want the pixie sized girls, the little girls. 

What is your weight?
That's a horrible question!!!!  I'm a healthy weight.  That is all.

Describe for the readers your body structure and physical faults.
I've been blessed or cursed with a curvy figure.  I have horrible fingernails, mostly because I always pick at the imperfections and then they peel or I bite them.  I am always trying to quit but nothing has worked yet.  I have large feet, which is probably normal seeing as I am a descendant of the Jolly Green Giant, no I kid, but i have larger feet than all my friends.  Maybe I need to find taller friends?  I also have imperfect teeth, they are straight but I have a small gap and my eye teeth sort of flare out.  I never smile with an open mouth for pictures if I can help it.

How is your health, Physical and Mental?
They are both good.

What ethnicity are you?
I already answered this, maybe I didn't understand the first question, but I am Scandinavian and French.

What would you say is your personal style?
It's pretty much classic with a little prep, I am never very trendy with the clothes I buy.

What can you tell the readers about your family?
I live with my mom and step dad.  I have two sisters, one lives with us and one lives with our dad, I also have a brother.  I am the oldest of my mom's children.  My older sister lives with my dad for 3 months of the year and the other time she lives with her mom, but sees our dad every other weekend.  My oldest sister is named Jessica.  My other sister is Elizabeth Grace (see obsession with Royalty) and my brother is Andrew George. 
My mom and step dad are pretty cool, and I get to see my dad twice a year and I talk to him all the time, but sometimes I miss him and wish I could be the only one with him for most of the year.

What can you tell us about your circle of friends?
My core group of friends are Marisal and Alizhay and Reese and Paige.  I usually always hang out with Marisal and Alizhay outside of school and Reese and Paige in school.  I probably have more in common with Reese and Paige now, but Marisal and I have been friends since middle school and Alizhay has been our friend since high school.  I hang out with a lot of people but I make the most time for Alizhay and Marisal.

Do you have any enemies?
Who doesn't?  I don't actually think so, but sometimes people do mean things to further their own agenda, I try not to hate anyone, my fatal flaw, it takes too much energy and I would rather have happy thoughts.

What are your religious spiritual beliefs/ values?
I don't know how to answer this!  I believer there is a God.  I believe in treating people with respect, kindness and dignity.  I don't agree with organized religion, even though my parents haul me to church every weekend.  I just think that organized religious groups cause more trouble in the world then good.  It's just my opinion, I don't think the people are inherently bad, they just make bad decisions and blanket statements that don't work for every situation.  I believe that absolute power corrupts and so does absolute spirituality.  If you don't have an open mind to other belief systems you can't get along with other people.  I believe Jesus was real, but I don't think the average person knows his full story.

What are your life goals?
Right now I want to graduate high school.  Then I want to have a family, a large family, but I want to be a child psychologist.  I love working with kids and I especially love helping kids.

What is your dream job or dream for your life?
It's a secret but I would love to be a published author, I think that would be so cool.

What is your favourite phrase to use?
get out of here or I'll do it and Seriously?

What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, running, swimming, playing sports, photography and baking.

What do you like?
I like good books, good movies and good food.  I enjoy music and I have favourite songs in every genre. And must see television, I may be a bit of a television junkie.

What are your dislikes?
techno and reggae music are not my favourites, I hate feet as well and fake people.

What do you loathe?
boring books and liver

What are your fears?
losing someone I love and death and heights.

What are your strengths?
persistence, dependable, organized, quick learner and I am honest.  I am also very forgiving, again this could be my fatal flaw.

What are your weaknesses?
I have a weak stomach for certain smells. I also don't always trust my own abilities.

Talk about what you believe are your good qualities.
I am a great listener, I have a lot of empathy and I am great at helping others solve problems and I can follow directions really well.

What are your bad habits?
I easily get wrapped up in my own world, I don't always act selflessly, I have a quick temper, by which I mean it lights quick but fizzles out even faster.  I forgive too easily and it often leads me to being hurt (fatal flaw)

Turn ons: strong arms, tall guys and blue eyes

Turn offs: overweight, short guys and arrogance

Natural talents: writing, learning and being able to see the whole picture (when it's someone else's problem, when it's my own I have tunnel vision)

Temperament: easy going, long fuse, not easily angered but when angered it burns bright and fizzles quickly.

Background: My parents divorced when I was four.  I moved to Canada and began kindergarten in the city but moved to a small town after kindergarten when my mom met my step dad.  They got married and my brother was born 6 months  later and my sister was born 3 years after that. We moved back to the city when I was in middle school where I met Marisal. We both moved to the Public High School after grade 9 and that's when Marisal met Alizhay.  She was a year younger than us, but she worked hard to take extra classes to join our graduating class.  She's definitely closer to Marisal than me but we get along just fine too.

Happiest Moment:
When I got my license on the first try, and when my brother was born and then my sister.

Saddest Moment:
When my nana died.  She was always with me every summer and she was so much fun.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The World of Imagination

Welcome to the portal of every destination imaginable!!!

I will be your tour guide through the ins and outs of using this blog spot to reach new destinations.  Some are of this world, while others are on a completely separate plane.  It's here where you will be able to meet characters, have interviews with authors, experience waking up in a new world, really the only limit is the imagination of the people who wish to contribute to this site.

In some cases you will find all kinds of different types of writings; poetry, fiction, non fiction, short stories, exerts, book reviews.  And  reader responses. 

This website is going to help young writers find their way into the literary world.  How to get published, how to get representation, what you need before looking for publishers or agents, how to get those things, and who to work out the kinks of the hidden world of publishing.  It will expose the journey of those of us who have ventured down this path, how we chose the writings we made, the pitfalls that surprised us, the surprises that scared us. 

For this writer personally, it will be a way to monitor my journey so I know that I am making progress, so that the dream to become a published author, a best selling author, does not die unrealized as I continue to shelf what I have to do to reach my goal for other things.  I am going to do this, I just have to find away to realize this goal and find the  best way to promote my writings. 

So here we go, stay tuned for the first installment of fiction writing, it will be character interviews for a trilogy I am working on!
